Breast lift or mastopexy refers to a procedure to lift the breast to its natural position. This differs from a breast reduction procedure as there is no decrease in the size of the breast associated with this.
Breast Lift Methods
There are three ways to lift a breast to a more youthful position and which method we use depends on:
- The amount of droopiness in the breast
- Whether the patient wishes to increase the breast volume at the same time.
The choices are breast augmentation with implant or fat graft, implant augmentation and mastopexy, and conventional mastopexy. These can lift the breast to varying degrees and have different incisions and post-op scarring. It is mainly for patients with droopy breasts which are not large. The results are breasts that are perter and positioned higher on the chest wall in a more youthful position.
The surgery takes, depending on the method, 2-4 hours and can be done as a day surgery under GA or with an overnight stay. There is usually a 5-7 day downtime.
Sometimes, a combination of breast augmentation and breast skin excision is used to achieve the lift. In this the patient will have bigger breasts which are lifted to the natural original position of their torso. This takes 2-3 hours under general anesthesia and can be done as a day surgery or with an overnight stay.