Aesthetic & Reconstructive Centre has two parts to its work and the “reconstructive” part of our work allowed us to continue functioning during the circuit breaker. This was both a privilege and a responsibility. The continued measures to control Covid 19 made being admitted to hospital a stressful experience for our patients. But they were brave and positive and we took good care of each and every patient. This was our responsibility that came with the privilege of being an essential service.

The good part was being able to emerge from my home every day and commute to work. It was odd to see the streets so empty and have so little traffic on the roads. But our little red dot looked quite beautiful in its natural state and the air was so fresh.

Being the only one in my extended family to be allowed out during the Circuit Breaker meant that shopping and buying take away food was sometimes for two or three households. Another responsibility that came with the privilege of being an essential service. But it was all worth it. It was a joy to see the extended family even from a distance with our masks on for “no touch” food delivery.
Things are slowly going back to normal now. We are now the “Aesthetic & Reconstructive Centre” again and can do the full spectrum of our work including aesthetics. Hopefully, our little country will emerge from this difficult time stronger and healthier.