
Otoplasties are ear surgeries that are used to increase the harmony of the face. Many patients opt for ear surgeries for a number of reasons, pushing back the angle of the ears, removing growths, or reconstructing and repairing earlobes.

Correction of Prominent or Deformed Ears

Some patients have naturally prominent ears or ears that have post-traumatic deformities. These deformities can be corrected using pinback techniques or local tissue flaps.

These surgeries take 1-2 hours and are usually performed as a day surgery under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. Downtime is 7-14 days as there is often a protective dressing around the ear to maintain its shape.

For post-traumatic and congenital cases, it is possible to use medical insurance for the surgery. The clinic and surgicentre are accredited for Integrated Medishield Claims and we can e-file the claims from the clinic for increased convenience.

Reconstruction of Deformed Earlobes and Earlobe Keloids

A common injury to patients is enlargement or a tear in the earlobes due to excessively heavy ear-rings, excessively large ear-rings or accidental tearing of the earlobe. Other patients have naturally large or small earlobes and want to change the shape of their earlobes to better suit their face.

Earlobes can be reconstructed using local flaps from the adjacent ear or temple. These procedures take 45 minutes to 2 hours. Smaller cases can be done under local anaesthesia in the clinic. Larger cases are done in the day surgery under intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. Downtime can range from 7 to 14 days.

Excision of Benign and Malignant of the Ears with Reconstruction

The ear is a complex multi-layered structure. It is divided by natural lines into sub-units and surgery can affect both the shape and the projection of the ear. Surgeries for removal of benign and malignant lesions of the ear must be planned with adequate margins and yet save as much of these layers, the correct projection and natural lines as possible.

Where possible the scars are hidden in the natural lines of the ear. Smaller excisions can be done in the clinic under local anaesthesia. These take 45 minutes to 1 hour. If the lesions are larger, need frozen section examination or complex flap procedures, the procedure will be done in the day surgery centre or as an inpatient. These take 2-4 hours and are usually done under intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. The downtime is 10-14 days as this is usually due to postoperative dressings.

With modern techniques and experience, Dr Andrew Khoo can help you achieve your desired look safely and naturally.